Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh, Comicon

so. there's not much to say, other than yes.
yes, i went to Comicon.
why would i do such a thing?
perhaps to enrich and deepen my knowledge of the sometimes nerdy and always misunderstood underworld of Star Trek, Star Wars, the X-Men, and every other comic and sci-fi related phantasm of pre-pubescent longing. 
also, i was forced.
oh, and also i was promised William Shatner.
and yes, maybe promises were broken, but was it fun?
absolutely, in a mildly traumatizing way.
would i do it again?
yes, but only if i could see more storm troopers on crutches.

so now it's time to let the photos tell the rest of the story. i will say that $70 for an autograph session with Bill was a bit much, but suffice it to say, as that escalator whisked me away to the higher reaches of Comicon's many bizarre visual delights (and the guys from the Boondock Saints) the Shat and i locked eyes across a sea of storm troopers and Queen Amidalas, and, well now i'm pregnant. great.

enjoy everybody!

it all feels so right, until suddenly, the crowds part... and you remember where you are!

the true, die-hard fan

clever? or creepy? or both?

so much money... so much time

hey, ghetto teenage mutant ninja turtle? meet creepy hooters guy

smile. or i'll blast you with my super secret, pure-love powered rollerblade wrist guard!

this guy's hobby is that guys job

he was almost too super for the camera. almost.

Dr. McNinja! I kinda sorta know of that guy!

batgirl is on high alert, as well she should be

obey the hat.

Indie and... Lara?! what... what happened?
no words

what the hell??  my personal favorite

1 comment:

  1. Your best post to date, Mija. You didn't tell me Emily the Strange would be there. Now I'm upset. Very upset.
