Saturday, January 29, 2011

chasing the january blues

january sucks. that's right. i said it. and there's nothing i'd rather be doing than sitting on the couch under a pile of blankets, eating, watching crappy tv and feeling sorry for myself. unfortunately i don't actually own a tv and netflix doesn't have Rosanne yet on Watch Instantly, so i must be contented with other, less lazy activities. 

like going to ikea. that's one hell of an activity.
ummmm... soft serve...
did you know they have soft serve there? so technically, you can eat AND go to ikea! they also have a wednesday rib night. i found this out the other day during our recent outing. unfortunately i was too busy stuffing my face with said soft serve to fully comprehend the meaning of ikea rib night. it wasn't until i got home and had a little chat with dan that i decided it was the most horrible yet amazing thing in the world and that i needed to plan a field trip immediately. 
rib night. wowwie.
if i can man up and make the trek, details to follow.

on a side note, i'm very proud to admit that we did survive our swedish shopping experience, and we made it out without a bag of meatballs and only one helping of soft serve... and... well ok we bought a cactus also. but everyone needs at least one cactus in their lives. introducing Dr. Thornberry.

Dr. Thornberry
he's like a dog that doesn't crap or bark or need water or any attention whatsoever. he does, however, bite like a son of a bitch. i'm almost 28 years old and i still can't resist touching things that i inherently know will hurt like hell. it's the same with bad smells. i found rotten yogurt in the back of our fridge the other day and took a good long whiff, knowing full well it was gonna be bad. i don't doubt that i then proceeded to grimace and say something along the lines of "jesus! this smells like death! smell this..." i hate when people do that to me, and yet, here we are.

quickly, for those of you who do have a tv or the complete box set of Rosanne (jealous), and are very far indeed from the nearest ikea wonderland, here's a burger idea that will make the couch look even more cozy and less depressing, especially with a nice cold beer by your side. 

burger madness
 angus hamburger (yum!)
carmelized onions    
extra sharp cheddar
peach preserves or jam
warm country bread

i'd like to think that everyone knows how to make a burger, so no instructions necessary, right? RIGHT??  throw in a bottle of Left Hand Brewery's incredibly delicious Fade to Black smoked baltic porter, and you'll be in heaven, just as i was... and those january blues will just slip away. and if they don't, have another beer and see if that helps.


  1. Rib Night!? what the hell.

    that's amazing.

  2. I can hear you writing this post, K. And I nearly snarfed beer out of my nose several times, no thanks to you. Say hi to Dr. Thornberry for me.

  3. Hmmmmm. Wednesday Rib Night. Really. This might call for a surprise date night for Bob. Won't he be surprised. Can I get out of there for under $10? plus tip, of course.
